The Global Recruitment Agency Pvt.Ltd. is a professional HR sourcing and recruiting company, which provides all types of workforces i.e. professional, skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled from Nepal to different companies all over the world.
We recruit the manpower in the following main categories:
- Mason (Plaster, Block)
- Mason (Tiles)
- Rod Binder (Steel Fixer)
- Shuttering Carpenter
- Plumbing (Pipe Fitting Sanitary Work)
- Aluminium Fabrication
- Gypsum Ceiling
- Labour
- General Electrician (House Wiring)
- Electrical Line Maintenance (Industrial)
- AC & Refrigeration
- Motor Welding
- Automobile (Diesel & Petrol)
- Auto Electrician
- Machinist (Turner)
- Pipe Fabrication
- Industrial Pipe Fitting
- Steel Fabrication
- Scafffolders
- Residential/Private Security
- Official/Bank Security
- Industrial Security
Heavy Equipments
- Operators - Dozer, Fork lift, Roller, Payloader, Back Hoe
- Operators - Crane
- (Mobile/Crawler/Hydraulic)
- Driver - (Trailor/Drump Truch/Light vehicles)
- Mechanics - (Heavy/Light Equipments, Under Chasis)
- Tyremen
- Denters
- Painters
- Moulders
- Helpers
- Normal Welding (Arc & Gas)
- Welding 1G to 4G
- Welding 6G
- Welding TIG
- Welding MIG
- Welding Gas
- Project Manager
- Public Relation Manager
- Chartered Accountants
- Accountant/Cashier
- Secretary/Executives
- Clerk/Typist/Receptionist
- Sales Personnel/Store Keeper
- Computer Operator
Hotel & Hospitality
- Western, Italian, Chinese food production (cooking and preservation)
- Food & Beverage Service (waiter, Bartender)
- Front Office Management (receptionist call operator)
- Room Boy/Laundry Man/Cleaners
Agriculture & Plantation
- Farming
- Livestock
- Fishery
- Poultry
- Bee Keeping
- Floriculture
Denting & Painting
- Sand Blasting
- Building Painting
- Industrial Painting
Cleaning & Housekeeping
- Office Boy
- Cleaner (Hospital, School, Mosque, Office etc.)
- Housekeeper
- Care Giver
Power/Gas/Water Treatment Pero Chemical Plants (Exclusive Category)
- Engineers
- Technicians
- Operators
- Chemist & Analysts
- Consultants
- Surgical
- Nurses
- Technicians
Manufacturing & Production
- Electronic Production
- Plastic & Rubber Production
- Furniture (Wooden & Metal)
- Mechanical Spare Parts
Garments & Textiles
- Patron Maker
- Cutting Master
- Production Manager
- Supervisor
- Tailors
- Checker/Helper